This is how your face be when your boss approved your vacation in the middle of a toxic schedule, especially when that vacay is the one that you are waiting for and dreaming of.
Well, I must admit that my face would turn more than that of my cat's (his Name is Grey) face and could probably roar like a tiger the most aggressive way, dance like a duck and sing like a sheep. Hmmm funny Isn't it? Whatever, "funny na kung fani" but that's how I would feel if I have received such privilege.
By the way that strange actions and emotions are just natural for me and so normal to people who loves nature and adventure. Atin-atin lang to, last week I almost dance like a duck and sing like a sheep but the roaring thing I asked my Grey to do it for me. My boss signed a black and white paper that allows me to have a relaxing vacation whenever and wherever I want, but just within the office budget.
Right after the good news, I obliged myself to do the online research and check my travel links momentarily to see what's IN and easy to reach place to people coming from Manila until I came across with this website www.zoomanity.com.ph a website that captured "my attention like a tiger" the site said ZOOMANITY GROUP The Happiest places, then my imaginary bulb lights up once again with magestic fireworks sparkling all over my world and my brain woke up excitingly pushing my right hands commanding the computer mouse to click all the tabs, images and links and save all posible contacts even a single dot and space of it just to secure that I am getting the right One-stop-Shop web that can obey my thirst of adventure and relaxation all in one.
The website directs you to the Zoo, adventure park, Inn or recreation house should I say like the Residence Inn in Tagaytay,
What could be more exciting than facing real aggressive tigers, facing them literally just inches away from your beautiful face?
Or this? Try to talk to the lions like meoew meoow or woar waorrrr lets see if they will find it happy or yummy ... hahaha
All these blood hyping activities can experience at Zoobic Safari.
Oh!one thing more, they have this place situated at the Clark Freeport zone called ZOOCOBIA where you can enjoy the GO KART racing and feel like you're in Singapore or in Thailand
Light Adventure and Superb Relaxation
Feel like a farmer or even be a farmer at PARADIZOO located in Mendez, Cavite, an hour and a half away from Manila. Paradizoo is an oasis of FRESH; fresh flowers, veggies, fruits including fresh horses and sheeps haha, kidding aside Paradizoo is a place where you can enjoy life away from the busy city.
The Climax of Vacation
This will do at Residence Inn Tagaytay. A glass of red wine or a palatable food while enjoying the shadow of a picturesque view at night, or just simply enjoy your bed and feel the good life and wait for the beautiful good morning after a good night.
This is not about DREAMING, at the end of the day we all deserve a good and enjoyable vacation, we just have to look for someone that can handle our vacation well like the Zoomanity Group.